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DAP Features and Add-ons
DAP 10 is the new powerful version of the world's most popular download accelerator and manager- Download Accelerator Plus (DAP). In DAP 10, SPEEDbit is reinventing what a download manager can be.
The new DAP 10 platform consists of the core DAP download acceleration engine, streamlined and optimized for powerful efficiency and ease of use. On top of that powerful core, DAP now carries its features as add-ons, allowing you to choose and customize your download experience. DAP 10 is also equipped with two major features: DAPsters and Link Checker:
System Requirements:
Supported Browsers: IE 9 | IE 8 | 7.x | 6.x | 5.x, Mozilla | Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera 11.5, Netscape 7 | 6, Flock
Supported Platforms: Win 7, Vista, 2000, NT4, XP
Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) Premium.rar (11.153 KB)
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